MMA Leadership
2024 - 2025 Board Members
More Information coming soon…
Katy Miller, CPM
Katy Miller is a midwife living and working in the Columbia, MO area. After an unsatisfying hospital birth experience in 2003, she discovered her passion for learning about and supporting normal childbirth. Starting in 2004, she began work as a hospital-based doula. After a joyful experience birthing her second child at home in 2007, she began a slow, winding path toward home-based midwifery. She enrolled in the Midwives' College of Utah in 2014 and received a degree in Midwifery Science in 2018. She completed apprenticeship with midwives in Missouri, Utah, and Wisconsin, in both the home and birth center settings. Since becoming a Certified Professional Midwife in 2018, she has been working in private practice. She is passionate about empowering those who are giving birth and advocating for freedom in reproductive health choices. She lives with her husband, three children, and a menagerie of animals on 3 acres in beautiful Boone County, MO. She also works as a bookkeeper for Missouri River Relief, a river stewardship organization.
Vice President:
Dawn Finney, CPM
Amy Garrison, CPM
Jessican Henman, CNM, CPM